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Humanitarian Activity in the Macedonian Evangelical Church

Almost every one of our local churches, in one way or another, is involved in a certain humanitarian activity, helping regularly or periodically, socially endangered families and individuals, or people with special needs. Most often, the aid consists of packages with food, clothing, or inventory, which people need.



Within the framework of the Evangelical Church, is the humanitarian organization "AGAPE" founded with the task of implementing humanitarian and charitable activities of EC in MK. It includes helping people in need, regardless of nationality, religion and gender. "Agape" helps persecuted, lonely, abandoned children, spiritually burdened and all others who need their spiritual or physical concerns to be taken care of and to be offered appropriate help. AGAPE performed its activity most intensively during the Kosovo crisis and the years after, but even today it serves as a tool for humanitarian projects and helping socially endangered families. For anyone who wants to donate, to continue the humanitarian activity, they can do so to the following account: ???????????


Humanitarian Laundry Center

Within the Evangelska Church-Negotino, functions the humanitarian center for second-hand clothes, through which socially disadvantaged families are helped. The center started working on 04/05/2022 and it is located in a public building, known as the former FZO. We get the clothes (and shoes) from people and organizations who donate them to us, and they are mostly used, but well preserved. We distribute them free of charge to people in need. The premises are open only two days a week (every Tuesday and Friday), and are managed by volunteers. If you want to donate or need additional information, contact Rosanda Spasova-Tsatsa, on phone: 075 450 372


Evangelical Church
in Veles

The charitable activity of the Evangelical Church in Veles has been ongoing since 2017. It started modestly, but by God's grace it is growing year by year. We see the activity as an extension of God's love for all people, regardless of their background and status. The charitable activity includes daily and monthly activities, as well as individual separate projects: - food packages for social families at risk, for over 70 families per month. - support and help for the National Kitchen, 20 hot meals every day. - scholarship students from social. endangered families - scholarship for a course in IT technologies for high school students - monetary donations towards operations, treatment and therapies for children and adults - home renovation, especially in cooperation with other organizations - built and equipped two sensory rooms for children with autism, in P.O.U. Matsa Ovcharova and O.U. Vasil Glavinov - Veles - furniture, materials and utensils for the Development Counseling Center at the Health Center - Veles - complete bedding, pillows, blankets, diapers and clothes for the Children's Department and Neonatology at the General Hospital - Veles - donation to the hospital in Jasenovo - several thousand honey. masks and hundreds of visors for the Health Center, the hospital and the police in Veles - payment of overdue bills for socially disadvantaged families - providing firewood for social. endangered persons - school supplies for children from social. families at risk at the beginning of the school year - continuous cooperation and support of the Association of People with Cerebral Palsy - Veles, in the form of food, finances, construction of an access ramp, etc. - hundreds of Christmas packages for children, every year - clothes, diapers, cosmetics and food for newborns from social. endangered and large families - individual actions to distribute hundreds of hot meals to people in need - organizing summer camps for children with disabilities and their families Donation account: Name: EC in MK - Veles Giro account: 300000004804834 Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje

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